суббота, 25 октября 2008 г.


Sometimes you think that you are ready for everything and I was completely sure that I'm ready for everything...noooot! :)
The first one meeting of our team was really nice one...it was something completely new for me...new people, new atmosphere, new language, new emotions, new jokes, new role, new home...
It's like to born once again, cos you have to "build" everything from the very beginning. And it was a special period of my life..time before OFM. And during that time I had a chance to:
- to eat chestnuts;
- to meet Ukrainians in ZG;
- to feel close, nope, very close Croatian culture;
- to get lost in a forest;
- to use public transport and not to pay for it;
- to say "jednu kavu s mljekom" (I think 1000 times per two weeks) and to see surprised faces of aiesecers (to be proud that I'm an active learner :) );
- to answer a question "So, how do you like Croatia (Zagreb)?" even more than 1000 times;
- to be up-dated about the weather in Portugal even more than about the weather in Ukraine;
- to learn more abuses than normal words;

One month of my new life

Hooh, my second post! :)

Its difficult to write it, cos usually when you have some situations you want to share with others, cos you are excited or surprised, or depressed and you think that this is a story I want to write to post on my blog! But, probably, you share with them very fast through msn or gtalk and you loose this excitement...

And usually I thought about my blog as about dairy for my friends, but than Cata showed me the other important point...when I will open it in ten years I will be really happy to read this...that's true...

Let's start from the very beginning :)

"OFM pre-meeting" or "Exploring Kiev"

Yeap, it was a nice sunny day, when I found out that I have my permission to stay in Croatia, finally! And I was really excited, cos we were going to have our first meeting all together as a one MC team! Of course, the first step to get to Croatia is, actually, to get to Kiev, cos there my permission was waiting for me and I had to buy a flight ticket. Here is the first challenge you face as citizen of Ukraine. Cos to travel by train is much cheaper, but you have to open visa to Hungary even if you are going to stay there for 5 hours not getting out of your train. And to open Hungarian visa you have to wait for few days and I didn't have so much time.

To buy a ticket I decided to get some cash from my credit card....and guess what? That ATM didn't have enough cash, that's why it just blocked my card. That's why when I tried to get cash from my card in the other ATM it showed me that I have 4 USD on my account instead of 500 USD...can you imagine my reaction! I'm going to the other country and I have no money almost!!! Oh, my...but I can't change anything...cos I have my flight ticket and I promissed to be in Zagreb as soon as possible...now I know what extreme means :) And my Larunchik saved me...she gave me money...she knew that I will not be able to back her money until I will back to Ukraine and in MC they don't have enough money all the time, as in many other MCs. I think, that I heard not from one person that friendship ends when a question of money starts. That's why for me it was twice more important and I appreciate it very much.

But, there are no problems...only challenges...and with help of other people I've dealed with everything :)

четверг, 9 октября 2008 г.

I managed to create my own blog! I can't believe. But it became really impossible for me to share with all my thoughts through email, msn, vkontakte...ahhh! :)
A lot of different things came to my mind during the last few days...too many questions...
Which way of life would I choose if I had a chance to start my life from the very beginning?
"Proud to be Ukrainian?" or "Proud to be Ukrainian!"
Is it true that our life consists of very little details? When do we start to notice it? And how to make big changes and do not forget about these little details.
The first "eureka!" moment came to me during the first days in Croatia. Cos, now I know for sure that your own happiness depends on you only. You can take as a matter of course all the things you have and all the things which are happenning around you. Your day and a level of satisfaction with this day depends on you only. Sometimes you need just a cup of coffee in the morning (not a high quality coffee, but just a coffee for 3 kunas (about 3 UAH) from the machine on the first floor of your dorm). But not everybody understands that you could not to have this cup of coffee, who knows for what kind of reasons, but still. I think, it is one of the hardest things for people to accept and understand...that it's important to strive to be great, but to notice all the little delails at the same time - this is a point.